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the next week the government will define its engagement financial for the Europe Dock of the port of Livorno
New deep opportunities of from the cross-border cooperation program Marine Italy-France PÒ 2014-2020
March 13, 2015
In the course of the next week the government will introduce the financial entity of its engagement for the realization of the Europe Dock of the port of Livorno, resources that will join to 200 million the Tuscany Region and the others 200 of the Harbour Authority, and also for it climbs over port-interporto the engagement of the national executive is to find the resources necessary in order to complete the work, than already nine million regional financings can count on. The Tuscan regional agency to conclusion of the encounter yesterday to Rome has announced, near the center of the Ministry of the economic development, on the agreement of program for I throw again of Livorno and its coast.
The Region has specified that in the course of the reunion, to which they have participated viceministro Claudio De Vincenti, the president of the Tuscany Region, Enrico Rossi, the regional city council member to the productive Activities, Gianfranco Simoncini, the mayor of Livorno, Filippo Nogarin, the president of the Province, Alessandro Franchi, and the mayor of Collesalvetti, Lorenzo Bacci, the technical problems to the dredging of the Leighorn port are resolved also relative: it is clarified that it will not be necessary to proceed to operations of reclamation of the materials of escavo, that however they will be dealt appropriately.
From part its Region has confirmed the engagement financial for incentives to companies (ten million euro) and for a technological pole in the former area Trw (five million). Viceministro the De Winning has moreover taken the engagement to propose to minister Federica Guidi the acknowledgment also for Livorno of the state of area of complex crisis, given that if also such acknowledgment not were, would be however possible to reach to the resources of law 181 on the reindustrialization in order to activate participations of investment.
While the Region has announced that new opportunities for the Tuscany coast will reach also from the cross-border cooperation program Marine Italy-France PÒ 2014-2020 that has a equipment total financial institution of beyond 199 million euros, than will be realized shortly in six warnings, that they will be published to the end of June 2015 for a total of about 58,5 million euros. The warnings will regard the financing of the nets and the transboundary clusters of enterprise, in the priority rows of "the blue" economy and "green" and the activities of prevention and management of the idrogeologico risk, the coastal erosion, the sand fill of the ports, but also the conservation and the development of the natural and cultural patrimony.
The program, that it continues in the engagement to support the cross-border cooperation between the regions put forward on the Tyrrhenian Sea of the North, involves E regions provinces of Italy and France: Sardinia, Liguria, and Corsica, the five coastal provinces of the Tuscany, which they will for the first time join to the French departments of the marine Alps and the Var (region Provenza the Alps Costa Azzurra).
"Program 2014-2020, that it will be operating after the conclusive passage in EU commission - has emphasized the regional city council member to the productive Activities credit and job, Gianfranco Simoncini - constitutes an important opportunity for the economy of our coasts. To begin from the resources, that they pile little less than 200 million euros than financing total, of which the beyond 29 million national co-financing and 169 million European Union that co-finances it through the Fesr. These resources join to the other instruments of cohesion, with the objective to contribute in the long term to strengthen the cross-border cooperation between the regions participants, returning them more competitive in the context of Mediterranean Europe".
"The actions of the program, articulated in four aces - it has added the Simoncini city council member - are focused on the promotion of the competitiveness of the enterprises of the involved territories, with a particular look on the harbour activity and of the connections through the potenziamento of the offer of transport, the development of the multimodality and the improvement of the sustainability of the ports. All this will be connected to previewed how much from axis two, that is to the valorization of the natural resources and cultural and, what particularly important to light of the more and more frequent criticalities tied to the bad weather, helping in the prevention and management of the risks and strengthening safety in sea".
The first axis in which the program is articulated is relative to the promotion of the competitiveness of the enterprises in the transboundary rows and heads to grow the entrepreneurial woven one of the involved territories that it is characterized by an average and small prevalence enterprises. In particular, it is looked at to fields as the nautical one, shipbuilding the naval one, innovative and sustainable tourism, the biotechnologies and renewable energies. For this axis it is attributed to a contribution pairs to 41,3 million euros.
According to axis it is relative to the protection and valorization of the natural resources and cultural and management of the risks and aimed to improve the abilities to prevention and management, by the public institutions, of the risks connected to the climatic changes (coastal erosion, idrogeologici fires, risks etc), as well as to the improvement of safety in navigation. The contribution is pairs to 97,6 million euros.
The third axis regards the improvement of the connection of the territories and the sustainability of the harbour activities and less aims for the increase of the transport offer in particular for the connected islands and zones, to the development of the multimodality, the reduction of the acoustic and environmental polluting activities of the ports. The contribution is of 31 million euros.
The fourth axis is centralized on the increase of the opportunities of job through the insertion in rows of transboundary activities, the support to the autoimprenditorialità, the microenterprise, the social and loyal enterprise. The previewed contribution is of 17,8 million euros.
In occasion of the presentation of the opportunities offered from the cross-border cooperation program Marine PÒ Italy-France the 2014-2020 Simoncini city council member has made the point on the performance of program 2007-2013, than to December 2014 she has seen I use it of resources for about 97% of the Fesr quota. The financed projects have been in all 87, of which ten they have regarded actions of transboundary mobility for students. Many of the financed projects have been concentrated on the issues of safety, of accessibility of coastal, rural or city the spaces peripheral. They have regarded, for example, projects of identifying, infrastructures of transport, safety of the passengers and the goods and the marine transport in general terms, with the realization of cartography, nets of monitoring, improvement of the connections with the broken new inauguration.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher